specialized traininG for
Law Enforcement, Military, and CivilianS






about us
All of our instructors at Bulldog Tactical Group have at least 20 years of Law Enforcement experience and are certified Law Enforcement firearms instructors. Most have numerous trainer certifications and vast experience garnered over many years. We are confident that our instructors will be able to provide you with all of the training you need to become more comfortable and proficient with your firearm.
“With John Helms’ extensive LEO background and teaching methods, Bulldog Tactical Group provides world-class personal security and self-defense training, CWP permitting, concealed-carry safety and practical training, weapon, and accessories selection and handling, marksmanship, and advanced force-on-force training. Don’t let the Bulldog Tactical motto “TRAIN HARD” scare you away! Yes, John Helms and the outstanding Bulldog Tactical staff train you “hard.” Still, more importantly, they train you “smart,” and inspire self-confidence, with customized personal security and firearms instruction based on your needs and level of experience. I’m a “senior” and have been in “real-world” defense training (pistol and rifle) with John Helms and Bulldog Tactical Group for two years, and I look forward to continuing “lifetime” training with these dedicated professionals.”
"I have been fortunate to train with John Helms of Bulldog Tactical Group for almost 5 years now. He constantly amazes me with his patience and ability to transfer advanced skills to others. If anyone of any skill level wants to learn the "comfort of arms" and have a skill set to depend on when luck runs out - get John's training."
- Mark
"John is an excellent Instructor with real-life experience. If you ever get a chance to take one of John's courses you will not be disappointed."
- Rosaire
Contact us
Our partners
Strong Persuader Arms is designed to be your one-stop firearm service, whether your interest is in hunting, shooting sports, home defense, concealed carry, or anything else to do with guns, silencers, or outdoor recreation. Strong Persuader Arms buys, sells, and trades new and used firearms and provides one-on-one consulting for all of your firearm needs, including gun trusts and Class III/NFA items. By not maintaining an enormous in-store inventory and controlling its costs, Strong Persuader Arms has considerably lower overhead than most commercial stores. Because of this, it can pass on its significant savings to its customers.
Do you have private classes?Yes, we can do one on one or private group classes.
Do you have personal protection or defensive tactics classes?Yes, we provide these classes at our Longwood, FL location.
Do you provide team building events?Yes, we do corporate team building events.
Can you teach me how to clean my firearm?Yes, we provide many firearm related services
Can you come to my location and provide a class?Yes, we can provide certain classes that have this ability.